New Intrik in the survey on the Russian intervention in the 2016 presidential election


The plot around the US Justice Department's investigation into Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election returned to the field. Reports indicate that former President Donald Trump's lawyer claimed that Trump had known in advance about the meetings of the campaign staff and some members of his immediate family with Russians promising material that would wounded Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton at the time. The following report by Michael Bowman, VOA journalist, is finished

Michael Cohen, known for many years as a lawyer to solve the legal problems of Donald Trump, made the headlines when he announced that he had secretly recorded his discussions with Trump. The Playboy magazine.

According to media reports, Cohen, now in cooperation with federal investigators, has issued a startling accusation. According to him, Trump, then presidential candidate, had already known his eldest son, his son-in-law and his campaign manager at Trump Tower in New York, with Russian agents for negative information about his then-rival Hillary Clinton.

The prosecution has not been confirmed and Trump has long denied knowing the meeting. The Trump team is offensive to Cohen.

Trump's lawyer, Rudy Guiliani, on ABC News, talks about Cohen as follows. "I do not know what happened to him a few months ago he did not tell all these lies, I do not know that he is a lawyer who has secretly registered his client."

President Trump also commented, "I do not know about meeting my son, Don Jr. It seems to me that someone is trying to compose a story to take him out of an unrelated complexity. "

While Robert Mueller, the special investigator in the investigation of Russian interference was silent about the direction of his investigation, others have tried facts. "If Trump discovers the June 9 meeting, here is the timeline: the Russians offer help to Trump, Trump agreed to get Russian help." Trump dictated a false statement about the purpose of the real meeting Trump hid his own role. "

A member of the Republican faction at the Senate Intelligence Committee said that the attention of the media on Trump's past distracts America from the current danger.

Member, James Lankford on ABC this week "We must also be very vigilant that the Russians try to intervene in various ways in our elections, to gather information to then use against our democracy It must be sanctioned, it will require an immediate response from our government. "

Special investigative investigations have produced numerous indictments against several former trump trustees. Other relatives of the president, such as Michael Cohen, are expected to work with federal prosecutors investigating Trump's commercial and business dealings. [uh/ab]

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