North Korea accused of defrauding the United States


PYONGYANG, (PR) .- North Korea has increased its production of uranium for nuclear weapons in secret locations in recent months, contrary to Donald Trump's badertion that this is no longer a nuclear threat. The latest report on North Korea after Stalin's country held a summit with the United States in Singapore last month. At the summit, the North has promised to proceed with denuclearization, but recent developments indicate that the country continues to enrich uranium with nuclear weapons

As reported by NBC News on Sunday, July 1, 2018, The report is based on information from more than a dozen US officials. close to intelligence. The sources revealed that as soon as satellite imagery showed improvement activities for the Yongbyon Nuclear Research Center in North Korea, it was more difficult for Trump to say that his meeting with Kim Jong-a in Singapore had succeeded this month. None of the concessions claimed by the President of the United States will be led by Kim Jong-un who has materialized. The concessions were the destruction of missile engine test sites, and the repatriation of the remains of US soldiers killed in the Korean War. Meanwhile, Trump made an important US grant to suspend joint exercises with South Korea from August 2018.

Cheating in the United States

Reported by The Guardian, Sunday, July 1, 2018 , US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will plan a trip to Pyongyang in early July to resume negotiations with the North Korean government, hoping to persuade the regime to make a special commitment to nuclear disarmament. In the last seven months, North Korea has not carried out any new missiles or nuclear tests. But NBC quoted US officials as saying the latest news that uranium enrichment had been improved

"There is no indication that they are reducing stocks or that they are". they stopped their production, "said the manager. "There is very concrete evidence that they are trying to deceive the United States." It has long been suspected that North Korea has installed a uranium enrichment plant in at least one secret site, with the exception of the Yongbyon complex. "There are many things we know that North Korea has been trying to hide from us for a long time," said a US intelligence official at NBC

The joint statement signed by Trump and Kim in is not clear. Kim promised to "complete the denuclearization," but that is Pyongyang's theoretical policy since 1992, and the regime interprets it as a long-term joint process in which the United States will also disarm. Pompeo will begin further negotiations with North Korea's leadership this week, which is part of the June 12 Singapore meeting. But Pyongyang seems to be moving away from its June 12th commitment. The US Secretary hoped that he could visit Pyongyang during his long trip east in the second week of July, as reported by the Financial Times.

"There has been a delay but I think he has an agreement to make" former director of Asian affairs at the National Security Council. "They have to work hard so that the June 12 agreement in Singapore is managed by both parties." Pompeo is under pressure to get something done by August, when training begins, "added Cha, now at the Center. 39, strategic and international studies, cited by The Guardian.

If the visit was made in the second week of July, Kim could order the repatriation of 100 to 200 bodies of American soldiers killed in the 1950-53 war, coinciding with the arrival of Pompeo. This is a move that US officials have predicted will take place last week. Trump said a rally in Minnesota last week that the repatriation had already taken place. "Pompeo should be able to transport the bodies of prisoners of war and US citizens lost during the Korean War, but that is not enough," said Cha, saying the Foreign Minister should implement the government.

As is known, previous North 38 reports mention that North Korea continues to update its only nuclear reactor (Yongbyon) used to carry out its weapons program. The North 38 group uses satellite imagery when it concludes that the North still maintains its nuclear reactor. Yet, in ongoing negotiations with the United States, North Korea has promised to denuclearize. The commercial satellite image taken by the group was made on June 21st.

Reported by The Guardian citing North 38 Group Report, Yongbyon Nuclear Power Plant infrastructure improvements "continue to unfold quickly". Also in the North 38 badysis, it is mentioned that the plutonium production reactor cooling system has been modified and that at least two new non-industrial buildings have been built on site, possibly at the same time. use of visiting officials. "A new engineering office building has been completed and construction continues on support facilities throughout the complex," said the North 38 badysis by three researchers, Frank V Pabian, Joseph S Bermudez Jr. and Jack Liu

North Korea, Kim Jong-un, is committed to "completing denuclearization" at a meeting with Donald Trump and South Korean President Moon Jae-in, but the details of how and when this is going to happen have not been decided yet. Kim announced earlier this year that nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons from the North capable of attacking the United States were over and that North Korea had closed its only known nuclear test site in May. ***

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