North Korea opens the way to maritime communication – VIVA


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VIVA – North Korea and South Korea are reopening their maritime communications channels today, Sunday, July 1, 2018. From today, ships from both countries have made contact radio for the first time in a decade.

North Korean patrol vessels reacted immediately when the South Korean Navy contacted the radio via international radio channels at 9 am local time in the western sea area.

The Straits Times This movement also shows that North Korea and South Korea have taken concrete steps to implement the agreement reached on April 27, when the two leaders decided to gradually ease the tensions. military

. ] Previously, North Korea and South Korea also held talks to connect the Yan railway across the borders of both countries. This discussion took place in the village of Panmunjon in the demilitarized zone

. The Seoul Railway to Pyongyang and Sinuju on the Chinese border was built by the Japanese in the early 20th century, long before the Korean War.

In addition to linking two systems and modernizing the infrastructure of the former North Korean railway, this railway line will also open trade routes to China, Russia and even the United States. # 39; Europe.

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