Not only small children, adults can be affected by measles, Lho!


TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID – Have you been exposed to measles?

If no, keep your physical condition so you do not fall and catch it.

According to the explanation of dr. Meta Hanindita, Sp.A, one of the pediatricians describes the true disease of measles is a viral infection characterized by the appearance of a rash throughout the body and is highly contagious.

Measles can be very disturbing and lead to more serious complications. occurs approximately one to two weeks 10-14 days after the virus enters the body.

The disease itself is caused by a virus that transmits by salivation (coughing or sneezing).

Usually the disease affects children, but does not close the possibility of attacking adults (depending on the immune system).

Besides measles is highly contagious, avoid direct contact with people who are susceptible to this infection such as toddlers, young children and pregnant women. Confused being exposed to measles or not, here are some of the symptoms that occur if infected with this virus.

High fever

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