Obedience Tax return, SMEs can easily credit


Liputan6.com, Jakarta – The 0.5% Final Income Tax (PPh) for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) will increase business opportunities. In addition, the policy allows economic actors to obtain a bank credit

"If the public (UMKM) pays taxes, it will open a wide field of activity. Thus, SMEs should have a NPWP , then the bank sector will be widely open. "Yon Arsal," said Yon Arsal, director of revenue and tax revenue from the DGT at the Ministry of Finance, Yon Arsal, as drafted Saturday (7/7/2018).

According to Yon Arsal, one of the business conditions for obtaining financing from the bank ( bankable ) is to have NPWP as well as proper business accounting. said not only with growing reputation alone, MSMEs can also expand their opportunities in the purchase of government goods and services. "19659004" Therefore, thanks to this policy of 0.5% of final income, the government Jokowi encourages UMKM to increase For information, the resident Joko Widodo has officially revised the final income tax (PPh) for small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) at the end of June 2018. Now, the final tax rate imposed on the authors of MSME is only set at 0.5 percent compared to the previous value of 1 percent.

The decreasing final tariff rules for MSME writers are stipulated by Government Regulation (PP) No. 23 of 2018 on income tax income from a business received or obtained by a taxpayer with a specific gross distribution. The rules come into force on July 1, 2018.

Reporter: Dwi Aditya Putra

Source: Merdeka.com

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