Observer: Electric cars are well developed in Indonesia


Indonesia is no longer just a consumer and can build its industry.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Public policy observer Agus Pambagyo evaluates electric cars to develop in Indonesia. As long as it's not only used as a market because it has to import various components from its supporters,

.It held the group discussion entitled "The Component Industry" Senjakala automobiles in the era of electric cars "in Jakarta, Wednesday (18/7). Become a consumer, but also to build the industry in the country. "

For that, he continued, the presidential regulation for the electric car must be published so that there is a clear reference to the regulation of development." Agus added, Indonesia also needs to master the technology in the development of electric cars, which are currently controlled by China, Korea and Japan.

"All these countries are stealing technology, then develop, so not since the beginning of development because too long, "said Agus, while developing the electric car industry in the country, Indonesia is suspected of having the potential to increase the export of components.

According to Agus, the automotive components industry in Indonesia has the potential to increase production both in terms of type and quantity. "So do not worry that l & # 39; automotive components industry will be at dusk, it is really necessary, "he said.

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