JITUNEWS.COM – Your ears often ring nging suddenly? Usually, this sound will be heard but only briefly. But do not underestimate this because it is a sign of serious illness. About 90% of ear buzzing cases have hearing loss problems
Here are some causes of sudden buzzing:
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1. Noise pollution is quite long. Continued exposure to loud sounds causes damage to the cochlear cells of the inner ear. The professions of rock musicians, pilots, carpenters and soldiers are jobs that are subject to them.
2. There is a blockage or infection in the ear cbad.
3. There is a benign tumor in the auditory nerve.
4. Natural aging process that affects the inside of the ear.
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5. Consume medications, such as antibiotics, aspirin, anesthesia, antidepressants, anti-inflammatories.
6. Meniere's disease that causes disorders of the inner ear.
7. An injury occurs on the neck or head.
8. Otosclerosis, which causes stiffness of the small bones of the middle ear.
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9. Some health problems, such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, anemia, allergies, diabetes, less active thyroid disorders.
10. Disturbance of the neck or jaw.
Conditions will get worse if a person is in a stressful situation, consumes alcohol, smokes, drinks caffeinated beverages and consumes foods high in sugar.
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If this buzzing ear is very troublesome for your daily activities, please immediately consult your ENT doctor for further treatment, as indicated on alodokter.com.
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