Bisnis.com JAKARTA – The Financial Services Authority still allows the operation of Rupiah Plus. However, OJK still considers the sanctions that will be awarded to Rupiah Plus who committed fraud at the time of collection.
OJK Hendrikus Pbadagi, director of Fintech OJK has given good leads to providers of direct cash loans. technology-based (ready finech) Rupiah Plus in line with his call because of violation of billing procedures
Hendrikus asked Rupiah Plus to be careful in the badignment of debt collectors. In addition, the company must establish a clear SOP that governs the work and tasks of the company's collection team. In addition, the SOP must be communicated to Aftech so that future practices are more humane.
Hendrikus stated that his team will be more balanced in verifying Rupiah Plus's violation cases. The reason, OJK see the evidence presented by Rupiah More than a number of customers who complain is a customer who has bad faith borrowing
"On the regulator side, any mistake there are certain penalties are measurable .. Consumers are naturally protected from the beginning In general, customers who complain are customers who are ngemplang and when contacted, they even disappear, "he said when he was contacted Bisnis.com Monday (07/02/2018).
does not mean that ethical consumers are not properly installed in an inhuman manner. He said that the way the Rupiah Plus does the collection is wrong because the customers are disturbed.
Up to now, Hendrikus has not seen any legal facts that prove that Rupiah Plus is in breach. The reason is, up to now, rumors are circulating
"If we have strong legal evidence, please Rupiah Plus works, of course with a note, we will closely monitor not only Rupiah Plus but all the organizers.] The team is working, "he said
. To this end, OJK asked Rupiah Plus to commit to improving the SOP related to the system. In addition, FinTech organizers are also required to engage mbadively in loan and billing and peer – to – peer (P2P) enforcement mechanisms applicable to the company.
"Third, Rupiah Plus will actively and periodically coordinate with consumer protection.
Previously, social media were talking about a number of actions harmful to customers by the organizers of Rupiah Plus. These actions include collecting customers' debt by threatening, intimidating and charging to an unrelated third party. with the client
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