Older X-Ride Do Not Install Features "Answer Back System"


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Yamaha X-Rider 125 latest generation equipped with various modern features. One of them is the function Answer Back System. This feature allows the owner of the motorcycle to know the position of his motorcycle in the parking lot

Just press the button already present in the lock or remote control. If the distance is close, the light will turn on and emit a sound, which will make finding a motorcycle in the park easier.

Can the feature be applied to the previous X-Ride model?

"We recommend no, as this will disturb especially the cooking of electricity and so on," said Dyonisius Beti, executive vice president and chief operating officer of PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing (YIMM) in central Jakarta last weekend. : "New Yamaha X-Ride"

The feature, continued the man familiarly called Dion is very favored by consumers, especially young people. Motorcycle owners will be easier when they look for a bike in the parking lot, let alone in larger cities than the motor population.

  Yamaha X-Ride Latest Generation KOMPAS.com / Aditya Maulana Yamaha X-Ride Latest Generation

"One of them we have updated on this X -Ride because it follows the development of today's engine features, "Dion said.

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