Online censorship law accelerates as vaccine scandal explodes in China


The censorship of the Chinese regime is booming after other domestic vaccine scandals have provoked an uproar, mainly because details have emerged from the obvious efforts of Chinese pharmaceutical companies and the overwhelming omissions of the Chinese authorities. Changsheng Bio-Technology, a biotechnology company based in Changchun, capital of Jilin Province, has announced on its website that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Changchun Changsheng Bio-technology, has been sentenced by the Food and Drug Administration of Jilin Province (Jilin FDA) for the production and sale of sub-standard DTAP vaccine doses, a combination vaccine for young children to develop resistance to diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus, according to a National Business Daily report from July 21st. It has been revealed that more than 253,330 doses of DT vaccine produced by Changchun Changsheng is below standard. However, the administrative findings came a little late, as most of the defective doses, about 252,600, were sold and shipped to the East China Shandong Province Disease Control and Prevention Center

. possession of Changchun Changsheng. He also fined 3.44 million yuan (about $ 507,809).

Last week, July 17, Changchun Changsheng manufactured manufacturing data for the production of Vero cell rabies vaccine. According to the latest announcement, Jilin FDA began its investigation of the DTap Changchun Changsheng vaccine about 10 months ago, October 21, 2017.

In time for publication, Changsheng Bio-technology website is dead.

It turned out that the Food and Drug Administration of Shandong Province had been informed of Changchun Changsheng's vaccine, but made the decision not to make public announcement. by the FDA Shandong which was leaked to Sina Weibo, equivalent of Twitter in China.

The document, dated October 31, 2017, shows that after a test of the National Institute of Food and Drug Control (NIFDC), government agencies claimed that there was 252,600 doses The DTAP is below the norm.

In addition, the document tells the offices of the FD A town in Shandong Province to begin withdrawing vaccines below these standards, while "closely monitoring public opinion," a euphemism for censorship. On July 23, the Shandong Disease Control and Prevention Center issued a public statement, explaining that it began secretly to recall the below-standard dose in November 2017 after the FDA. Shandong received the information. But at that time, no less than 247,359 doses of 252,600 doses below the standard were used. More than 215,000 children have been vaccinated with the vaccine below this standard

It is not known if any other regions have been affected by the remaining supply of DTap vaccine below the Changsheng standard .

The statement adds that the Chinese authorities have not detected a reaction (19459005)

A large number of Chinese netizens use since Weibo to express their frustration and anger against the authorities and Changchun Changsheng ,

However, many online comments have been removed, according to Free Weibo and Weiboscope, a website that follows censorship on Chinese social media.

According to the Free Weibo database, many articles have been removed. in line with the keyword "vaccine" removed by the Chinese authorities, from 21 July. One of the deleted posts, written by netizens under the name "Na Xiaofang" from the central province of Henan, said: "The writing is being removed quickly. to delete publications can not have children.If they have children, they may not receive injection with these vaccines "- reflects the public perception that Chinese officials are privileged and are generally protected against such health fears.

Another post deleted by a surfer from China's Hubei Province says: "Please, ask the main CFDA and Jilin FDA officials to resign if these people still have political shame. "

In case of social crisis, the Chinese regime usually orders information restrictions, including online censorship and making false news, as in the scandal formula milk e 2008, where brands of milk and infant formula were contaminated with chemical melamine

China was seized by vaccine scandals, and authorities after the inoculation of hepatitis B vaccine, seven infants died from December 6 to 22, 2013. The Chinese authorities then decided that the death was due to "side effects after immunization" (AEFI), which allowed the children children with inactive diseases are triggered by the vaccine. Three Chinese pharmaceutical companies are irresponsible, according to a report released July 22 by the state paper The Paper.

In February 2016, Pang Hongwei and his daughter were arrested for giving a harsh report on the sale of expired vaccines. The vaccine was sold to 20 provinces

The Paper, in an opinion piece on July 22, says that the lack of harsh penalties against poor vaccine producers is the cause of lingering problems.

Their affected children are often victims of harbadment and police custody

Although Changsheng Bio-technology and Changchun Changsheng were involved in more than 10 corruption cases between 2001 and 2017, they continued to operate without much d & # 39; action. [19659002] Wu Yuhai, a vendor who works for Changchun Changsheng, bribed Wang Feng, former director of the Ningling County, Henan Province Disease Prevention Center, according to an article in The Daily newspaper. Paper. For the purchase of 13,600 doses of varicella vaccine from June 2010 to March 2013, Wu gave five yuan ($ 0.74) bribes to Wang

Wu also offered a pot-pot wine of 20 yuan ($ 2.95) per dose. Wang's rage from June to September 2015.

M. Wang was sentenced to eight years and three months for accepting bribes on July 18. It is not known if Wu was punished. (run)


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