Operation of a woman, what the doctor is out of his stomach is shocked


TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID, ASTANA – Some doctors who performed the surgery managed to remove the tuft of hair in the belly of a 12-year-old girl.

On the video footage reported Daily Mirror Friday (27/7/2018), the pieces appear to be cinnamon colored

The clot measures 35 by 13 centimeters, weighs 3.65 kilograms and has the shape of a newborn baby.

The medical procedure was practiced at the Magystau Regional Children's Hospital, in the city of Aktau, Kazakhstan

said the head of the surgical department, Sultanbek Tumashev, as a result of abdominal pain. 19659006] Read: 212 Candidate Members of Bawaslu in West Kalimantan Pbad Selection CAT and Psychotes

"When we asked him, the parents of the girl said that she tended to bite the hair, "says Tumashev. In fact, her digestion forced her out, even though her height is increased, there is still room for food, "Tumashev says.

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Because of the clot of hair, the teenager often experiences nausea and a lack of nutrition so that his body is thin. Tumashev explained that the doctor had to prepare the girl for two days before she was taken to the operating room.

She is optimistic about her recovery after being discharged from the hospital.

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