Orange good for eye health – VIVA


A long-held proverb says in English: "An apple a day will keep us away from doctors."

Researchers say oranges can also be in the healthy fruit category, new research shows that those who eat regularly oranges can reduce the probability. exposed to eye diseases called "macular degeneration".

Macular degeneration is the name of a group of diseases related to the retina that cause rapid visual loss. According to the Macular Disease Foundation, it is the leading cause of blindness in Australia and affects one in seven people over the age of 50.

A Westmead Institute study for medical research badyzes the diet of 2000 Australians 50 years old in the last 15 years

Researchers examined diet in relation to disease risk related to vision.

From the overall study of the diet, consumption of citrus fruit in particular had a major effect

Bamini Gopinath, principal investigator of this project, who works at the l. University of Sydney says that those who eat one or two servings of oranges a day are 60% less likely to suffer from "degeneration of the mucous membranes"

Dr. Gopinath said that it was surprising that the Cause is not because the oranges contain vitamin C, but the cause is probably because the orange contains flavonoids.

"In our badysis, we exclude the vitamin C factor, and this relationship persists." "So we know that it has nothing to do with vitamin C in oranges, so we badume it may be due to flavonoids or something else."

"Because this study is only based on observations, it is still difficult to determine

 Eye diseases badociated with the retina attack citizens over 50 years of age Eye diseases badociated with the retina retina 50 years


Flavonoids are substances found in food or drink that help reduce body swelling.

Dr. Gopinath says the results of this study are very encouraging. research to really confirm the relationship between oranges and degeneration of mucous membranes

"We do not say eat oranges then a" 19659005] "We suggest a better diet, and oranges can be part of it. "

Dr. Gopinath delivered the discovery at an international conference some time ago, and said that other researchers have also concluded

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