Pascalebaran, Symptoms of Price Increase Some food products are starting to be detected


The chili traders in a traditional market Wonosari, Yogyakarta. – Bloomberg / Ardian Dimas, JAKARTA – After Idul Fitri, the price of some food products is starting to catch up. The symptoms of the biggest increase in the past month have occurred in meat products and chicken eggs, and in cayenne pepper.

According to data from the Traditional Traders' Association (Ikappi), the price of red pepper, meat and chicken eggs in the market reaches 67,000 rupees / kg, 38,000 rupiahs / kg and 28,000 rupees / kg.

In fact, the reference price set by the Ministry of Commerce is only 32 000 rupiahs / kg for red pepper and chicken pepper, and 22 000 rupees / kg for chicken eggs .

President Ikappi Abdullah Mansuri explains, the most significant increase indeed occurs in red pepper products. On the basis of the Note on National Strategic Food Prices (PIHPS), the price of spiced products Tuesday (12/6/2018) is 46.400 Rp / kg, but from Tuesday (10/7/2018), he jumped to 56,850 Rp / kg.

He stated that the price rises that plummeted have caused many traders to start reducing their sales offer up to 50%.

"Yes logically, if the trader only has 1 million Rp to buy 1 kuital [cabai rawit] when the price doubles, his purchasing power will decrease and sales will decrease," he said.


He warned that the price of red chili, which is quite expensive, still has the potential to increase even more and redeem the level of Rp90,000 / kg. The reason is a decrease in production in some centers such as Lumajang, Banyuwangi, Bondowoso and Situbondo.

In response to the increase in prices of chicken meat, the price of animal protein on the market is relatively stable

"If the price of live chickens in Jabodetabek is 23,000 Rp / kg. the price on the market remain multiplied by only 1.6, so about Rp35,000 / kg-Rp40,000 / kg, "he said.

According to him, the cause of the increase in prices of chicken meat is a reduction of 10%. In addition, the ban on the use of antibiotic growth promoter (AGP) prolongs the duration of production and slows the growth of live chicken stock.

However, Sugeng believes that the stock problem and the price of chicken meat will soon be solved. "In addition, the Ministry of Commerce visited and see the problems in the cages.In 1965, Enny Sri Hartati, director of the Institute for Development of Economy and Finance (Indiaf), explained that the volatility of food prices was indeed an annual cycle due to mismanagement of stocks and mismanagement.

The problem, he argues, is the cause of a strong trend in food prices. Inflation in the middle of the year is never over .In fact, rising food prices will drive up other products.

"Unexpected indeed, the l & # 39; 39, the effect of domination, one [komoditas harganya] increases, the others are followed up, "he said

. Due to rising food prices, strong inflationary tendencies still occur In the middle of the year, BPS noted in 2015 that the highest inflation occurred in April-August 2016 in May-July. llet 2017 in May-July, and 2018 started since June.


On another occasion, the Minister of Commerce Enggartiasto Lukita denied that there had been a sharp rise in the prices of certain food products. He is also reluctant to respond to the threat of Ikappi that will reduce the stock of sales up to 50%.

"If you look at the BPS data [soal kenaikan harga pangan] threatening how? There is no such thing.If the eggs, the price is still high because the price of food [ayam yang masih didominasi impor]"he said after visiting the KPPU office on Tuesday (10/7). strategic food. Until now, he claims to have found no unhealthy competition practices affecting price rises.

"If the price is higher than the price [acuan] we will look at whether it is rising because of unhealthy practices or because of a high demand he said.

Up to. here, he continued, KPPU mapped the distribution pattern of important commodities and strategic goods including food, Kurnia also identified a distribution node with high potential for unhealthy competition

as well as entrepreneurs with a dominant position , which gives them a good opportunity to abuse the price.

Food commodities experiencing rising prices (Rp / kg)

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Commodities by July 10: Price to June 12: Reference Price Ministry of Commerce:

Red Chile 56,850 46,400 32,000 [19659003] Chicken 38.100 37.900 32.000
Eggs of chicken 26.750 24.400 22.000

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Source: Ha National Strategic Foods Information Center (IPSSP), 2018


Development of production (in millions of tonnes)

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Commodities 2014 2015 2016 2017

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Fresh cayenne pepper 0.80 0.86 0.81 0.85

Broiler chicken 1.54 1.62 1.90 1.84

Chicken egg 1.24 1.37 1.48 1.52

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Source : Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), Treaty

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