Pascaterbakar, Developer and Manager The Reiz condo brings construction experts, that's the purpose


TRIBUN-MEDAN.COM – Developers and direct management have called on a team of construction experts to ensure the safety of the Reiz Condo building after having burned yesterday (1 / 7).

"We immediately call the team of construction experts the center professional," said PT's chairman. Reality of Waskita Karya, Tukijo, Monday (2/7/2018).

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  PT Waskita Real Estate Manager Karya Realty, Tukijo and Management The Reiz Condo shows the Reiz Condo project.
PT Waskita Chairman Karya Realty, Tukijo and the management of The Reiz Condo show the model of The Reiz Condo project. (Medan / Ayu Tribune)

Tukijo explained that the team of experts was demoted to the location of the apartment on Jalan Deli Tobacco Medan to test the feasibility of the structure of the building

"Must only burn on the sixth floor that serves as parking, but we will continue to ensure and continue to carry out structural feasibility tests by professional consultants," he explained.

Tukijo ensures that his party strives to give consumers the best possible view that the development will continue to be in line with the planned objectives despite the small incident

. He also badured consumers that PT Waskita Karya Realty pledges to carry out the receipt of the unit according to the promised schedule. "Consumers do not have to worry, the incident of." yesterday did not affect the completion of the project and certainly ended "In time," he said.

Meanwhile, Kusuma Jaya, head of apartment projects, said: 19659002] "Even though last night there was a small incident of fire, but we continue to make development, "he said.

He confirmed that his team is still investigating. However, this does not affect the execution of the construction of the project, "concluded Kusuma Jaya.

Known the fire of the Apartment Reiz Condo in Jalan Deli Tobacco Deli, Medan, occurred Sunday (1/7) yesterday.

Dozens of officers firefighters went directly to the site to extinguish the fire source of the sixth floor of the apartment , where there were no wounded or wounded. (*)

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