Pawnbroker will convert some traditional So Sharia outlets


JOMBANG, – PT Pegadaian plans to convert several points of sale in Indonesia into Sharia outlets.

This is in line with the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and the Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI) accelerating the development of sharia economy and finance in Indonesia.

"For Pawnshop to immediately convert some of its sharia outlets to meet the needs of the community, particularly in East Java," PT Pegadaian (Persero) Sunarso's CEO said in a written statement received /7/2018).

See also: PT Pegadaian vs. Pawn Center, what interest is lower?

Sunarso said, the development of Islamic financial products and the trend of the halal industry in several cities are able to move the wheels of the economy, the &,,,,,,,,, increased incomes, and employment opportunities, including the empowerment of SMEs so that, ultimately, can increase national economic growth.

In the written statement, the president of MUI Ma 'Amin Amin argues that the development of the Shari'a economy can also encourage the acceleration of the development of the Islamic financial sector

] Read also: Pawn of Electronic Goods, Pegadaian Mending to PT or Indonesian Pawn Center?

Up to now, the government and stakeholders are more focused on the growth of the Islamic financial industry, but the Sharia economy's empowerment n & n Was not very touched.

"To this end, we will continue to work with different parties. Sharia products, which can be used as a source of finance, replace conventional financing and people's economic empowerment, "said KH Ma'ruf Amin

Also read: Differences from Interest in PT Pegadaian and Pawnshop

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