Pawnshop Convertible 78 Stores in Madura So Sharia


Residents waiting to make transactions at the branch in Senen, Jakarta, Thursday (15/6). – PT Pegadaian (Persero) officially led a conversion program in the form of a conventional system transfer to Sharia pawnbrokers through Madura, Monday (07/02/2018). The managing director of PT Pegadaian (Persero) Sunarso said that as of July 1, 2018, all the Pegadaians of Madura would be converted to sharia, which would amount to 87 units.

Sunarso stated that the client's reason was from Pegadaian. (19659003) "While in Madura is balanced between the motive of profit and the motive syar" i, and on the religious side almost all (99.4%) of Madurese are Muslim, "Sunarso explained.

Chollil Nafis, Lc, Phd, President of MUI East Java Abdussomad Buchori, Acting Regent of Bangkalan I Gusti Ngurah Indra Setiabudi Ranuh, attended the inauguration ceremony in the presence of the President of the Council of Indonesian Ulemas (MUI ), Ma 'ruf Amin, Ulama and lecturer from the University of Indonesia. Hundreds of scholars and santriwan / santriwati from various boarding schools in Madura.

The chairman of MUI Ma 'ruf Amin welcomed the move Pawnshop converts all conventional outlets Madura became Sharia. "In the future, people will be more aware of the existence of Sharia pawnshops, which can be used as a source of financing, replacing conventional financing." As a predominantly Muslim country Indonesia is late in absorbing Sharia funds, "he said.

On the same occasion, Sharia Pawnshop also handed over the Rahn Hasan certificate to 250 customers. is a form of Sharia Prime Pawn Clbadic that offers loans with a nominal 50,000 to 500,000 Rp, a tenor loan for two months and can diperpenjang and interest-free.

Indonesia as a country with the The largest Muslim population in the world has the potential to become a country with great economic power over China.In the meantime, the potential of the halal and global Islamic financial industry is expected to reach $ 6.38 billion in 2021 The total badets of the cha in Indonesia, excluding Sharia Sharia, reached 1 133.23 trillion rupees or 27%, more than conventional industrial finance growth. The potential of the global halal law and sharia industry is expected to be US $ 6.38 trillion in 2021.

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