Pawnshop in Madura officially Sharia


A total of 99.4% of Madurese are Muslim.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – PT Pegadaian officially carries out a conversion program in the form of transfer of the Pegadian convention system to Sharia law. The conversion is carried out in all the pawnshop offices in Madura.

The General Manager of PT Pegadaian Sunarso stated that as of July 1, 2018, all of the Madura's Pegarians converted to Sharia law. With pawnshop services so late in Madura, up to 87 units of everything related to sharia, nothing conventional.

According to Sunarso, according to the results of studies conducted by the Pegadaian team, customers are looking for more profits. "While in Madura is balanced between the motives advantage and motive syar-i. In addition, from the religious point of view, almost all 99.4% of Madurese are Muslims, "Sunarso said in a press release on Monday (2/7).

Read also, This branch of straw conversion to Madura So Sharia.

Sunarso also stated that before him and the chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) KH Ma'fuf Amin visited the pesantrens in East Java, including pesantren in Madura. At that time, the santri and kiai expressed their aspirations to facilitate the service of pawn sharia. KH Maruf Amin also asked about the possibility of conversion to all Sharia law in the Madura district.

KH Ma'ruf Amin, Ulama and Speaker of the University of Indonesia KH Chollil Nafis, Chairman of MUI East Java KH Abdussomad Buchori, PJ, Regent of Bangkalan I Gusti Ngurah Indra Setiabudi Ranuh and hundreds of scholars. More santriwan or santriwati from various boarding schools in Madura.

MUI chairman KH Ma'fuf Amin praised what has been done about pawnbrokers in Sharia. It's like sharia institutions, like buses, and people like bus pbadengers. "The number of sharia bus fleets is very good, but why the number of pbadengers does not move by 8%." "I hope that in the future people will be more aware of the existence of pawn shops." As a Muslim-majority country, Indonesia is very late in the absorption of Islamic finance funds. "

In addition, Sharia Pawnshop has also delivered a Rahn Hasan certificate to 250 customers Rahn Hasan is a conventional pawn form.The two offer a nominal loan ranging from Rp 50 thousand to Rp 500 thousand

Sunarso explains, tenor loan for two months and can diperpenjj.Product Pillar Prima interest-free, while Rahn Hasan no-cost maintenance (mu nah) .Hasan is a pawnshop product that can reach students and the lower middle clbad has not been touched by banking.

"So we hope this service will help them, while increasing the inclusion of financial ratios in Indonesia, "he added.

Pawnbroker rates, l & # 39; Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population in the world has the potential to become a country with great economic power compared to China. Meanwhile, the potential of the halal and global Islamic financial industry is expected to reach 6.38 billion US dollars in 2021. The total badets of Islamic finance in Indonesia (excluding Sharia Sharia) reached Rs. 1,133.23 billion or 27 percent.

This number is higher than the growth of the conventional finance industry. The potential of the global halal law and sharia law industry is expected to be US $ 6.38 trillion in 2021.

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