PCX Hybrid must have a high RON BBON fuel?


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Through the integration of the hybrid system, the Honda PCX Hybrid is claimed as a premium high-tech scooter. In fact, PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) is proud to have produced it in a factory located in Sunter, north of Jakarta.

So the question is because it is equipped with various modern and sophisticated technologies. if it should be with search octan number (RON) high?

Reza Rezdie Shahertian, Technical Service Division of PT AHM explains that has nothing to do with this. For sophisticated technology such as the hybrids themselves have no effect on the use of the fuel type.

Read also: Thanks to the brakes, Honda PCX can be produced in Indonesia

"Can use any RON, but we still recommend the best performance," said Reza last weekend in the JIExpo area, Kemayoran, North Jakarta.

  Different couple on standard Honda and Hybrid Honda. FEBRI ARDANI / KOMPAS.com Torsion Difference on Honda PCX Standard and Hybrid

Not only that, says Reza, that precisely with modern technology, it can be more fuel efficient. The main factor is caused by the help provided by the battery during acceleration.

AHM Claims Based on Paper Data, Despite More Responsive Performance, Hybrid PCX Technology is capable of saving more than 2.2 percent in fuel-based EURO 3 tests using the ECE R40 method.

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