Pelindo IV officially registers 3 billion Rp bonds in IDX


JAKARTA, JAKARTA (IFT) – PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Pelindo IV) (Persero) officially listed bonds worth Rp 3 trillion in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI), Thursday (5/7/2018).

The bond issue is intended for Pelindo IV for financing the construction of a port project in eastern Indonesia (KTI). "The Rp 3 trillion loan will be used to finance strategic projects that were built in KTI such as Makbadar Port, Bitung Port, Kendari Port and Pantoloan-Palu Port", said Doso Agung, president of Pelindo IV. ] Doso added that since its first publication on June 29, 2018, bonds have attracted investors to exceed the number of bids ( oversubscribed ).

"This is certainly very encouraging and demonstrates investor confidence in PT Pelindo IV," adds Doso.

In addition to bonds, continues Doso, Pelindo IV will also use internal funds to develop other ports in the management area of ​​the company.

"Thus, connectivity between ports can be immediately realized and price disparities in eastern Indonesia can be overcome," he said.

On the other hand, Deputy to the Restructuring and Business Development Ministry of Public Enterprises Aloysius Kiik Ro representing the Minister of SOE Rini Soemarno enjoyed the action of Pelindo IV

Aloy is optimistic that the issuance of links Pelindo IV will further accelerate the development of connectivity in East Indonesia

"I appreciate the strategic steps of PT Pelindo IV sources of funding outside the budget of l & # 39; 39 State to complement the national strategic program that, "

Aloy admits that the Ministry of Public Enterprises still encourages public enterprises to be more independent in funding, transparent, and geared to the national interest. To this end, we continue to encourage state enterprises to improve their financing not only through leverage, but also from other solutions that have been put in place , such as badet securitization, the IPO of children. business, perpetual bonds, equity-based PDRTs, joint ventures with domestic and global private parties, especially for entirely new projects, etc. "

The issuance of debt securities of Pelindo IV is divided into three series, Series A, Series B, and Series A Series A bonds have an issue value of 380 billion rupees with an interest rate of 8% and a tenor of 5 years

As for Series B bonds issued with an issue value of 1.82 trillion

The obligations of Pelindo IV Seri C are issued with an issue value of 800 billion Rp with a rate of interest of 9.35% and within 10 years. [19659002] With respect to the issuance of this obligation , PT Bank Mandiri Sekuritas, BN BN Sekuritas, PT Indo Premier Sekuritas and PT CGS-CIMB Sekuritas Indonesia are the issuers of bonds issued under this PIKI code.

These bonds will have interest and fixed interest payable quarterly on a 30/360 basis Pelindo IV's Bond I of 2018 has obtained the rating of idAA (Double A) from PT Pemeringka t Efek Indonesia (Pefindo)

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