People should be careful about sharing personal data in fintech loans


ILLUSTRATION. OJK discussion on the theme of Fintech development

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. The Financial Services Authority (OJK) asks the public to cautiously provide personal data to the company financial technology loan (fintech) to apply for loans, particularly contact data emergency or emergency contact. This company contacted Fintech Lending when the debtor was late or in default. This is the last debt recovery attempt that has matured.

OJK spokesman Sekar Putih Djarot explained that OJK Regulation No. 77 / POJK.01 / 2016 explicitly regulates the use and protection of personal data of users of loan transactions and loan online.

"The personal data of the user can not be used by a third party unless they are approved by the owner of the personal data," Sekar told on Wednesday (25/7).

Known, POJK number 77 / POJK.01 / 2016 regarding the loan services to borrow money information technology. In Article 25 on the confidentiality of data, point c specifies that the use and use of personal data, transaction data and financial data are guaranteed, but the fintech provider must obtain the prior approval of the owner of such personal data.

This is also governed by the law on information and electronic transactions (EIT). Sekar explains that any potential borrower who downloads the credit application platform online will show some questions about the approval to grant access to personal data.

"So, if the potential borrower is in agreement, then it is in accordance with the ITE law and the organizers of FinTech can legally copy the personal data," he said.

In order to avoid misuse of borrowed funds, OJK and the Fintech Association of Indonesia (Aftech) will continue to socialize to educate the public to pay more attention to borrowing online .

In addition to educating the community, the borrower to repay his debt in a timely manner and not to run away. Because in digital documents, the existence of unscrupulous borrowers have the intention of not paying off the debt, can be traced easily.

The plan, OJK also encourages badociations to promptly publish a code of ethics regarding the responsible lending mechanism online . However, if the code of ethics was published and the organizer was violated, fintech funding was violated, then the badociation does not hesitate to issue the # 39; s membership.

"This could be the basis for OJK by revoking the registered status and the licensed fintech lender ," he said.

On the other hand, OJK and its badociates also develop a pilot project relating to the construction of an information data center Fintech Lending in Indonesia. This data center contains all the digital data of online borrowers who are in trouble.

Reporter: Ferrika Sari
Writer: Herlina Kartika


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