Perdana, Indonesia exports 60 thousand sheep tails per year


INDOPOS.CO.ID – The Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman releases the first export of sheep cattle exported by PT. Inkopmar Cahaya Buana in Malaysia at the Tendes Surabaya animal quarantine facility Thursday (28/6).

In his speech the Minister of Agriculture explained, he congratulated on carrying out the export of sheep cattle today.

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This means that everything that has been tried up here by various parties, businesses and farmers have been carried their fruits.

seeks to increase exports of various strategic agricultural products, including livestock products

The realization of Indonesia's policy in 2045 to become the world of food has been gradually proved .

After exports of animal products such as veterinary drugs, animal feed, hatching eggs, DOC and processed chicken meat, today, export of cattle lamb of prime quality reached 2 100 with an estimated value of 3.78 billion rupees

. cut cattle. This export should continue continuously according to the PT cooperation agreement. Inkopmar Cahaya Buana with importers in Malaysia, the projected needs in Malaysia up to 5,000 head per month can be provided from Indonesia, so it is expected that the needs of 60 thousand a year can be satisfied. "(19659002) According to livestock statistics, the national goat / sheep population in 2017 is 35,052,653 head and 4.72 million in East Java province while that goat / sheep production in 2017 reaches 124 842 tonnes a year, resulting in a balance surplus in relation to the national demand with consumption of the goat / sheep population of 13.572 tonnes / inhabitant / tahun.

The achievements of livestock, especially goats or sheep in Indonesia are quite fantastic, 210 heads, while the first export in 2018 has reached 2100 tails The possibilities of product market expansion sheep and goats on the markets s world remain largely open, in addition to excess production conditions and demand from the Middle East countries and & # 39; other countries & # 39; Asia. "The halal excellence of us can also be the main attraction for exporting goat / sheep to countries in the Middle East and other Muslim countries," he said. added.

In addition, he gave an opinion to PT. Inkopmar Cahaya Buana as one of the commercial entities that have participated in efforts to increase exports of livestock products through partnership between farmers, especially in East Java, this course can be an example for other regions in Indonesia. This proves that if breeders cooperate with each other, it will be easier for them to access the world market, so that the opening of the market will also make farmers more eager to breed and increase the quantity and quality of ready-to-do cattle. [19659002] On the same occasion, the Director General of Livestock and Animal Health, I Ketut Diarmita, said that the state of animal health is becoming the main key to open up opportunities for health. export to other countries. He said that through various international and regional opportunities, Indonesia routinely provided information on the health and safety of animals and its products to be exported to penetrate and facilitate the barriers or barriers of commercial traffic.

He stated that the veterinary certificate issued by the Ministry of Agriculture through the Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health on the basis of the results of a series of animal health checks or animal health tests. According to I Ketut, the current issue of animal health and animal product safety is an important issue in international trade and often constitutes an obstacle to the penetration of the world market.

take advantage of export opportunities, the need for support from all relevant stakeholders, especially in the implementation of international standards upstream downstream to increase value-added and competitiveness " , he concluded. (19699022) #export-sheep & nbsp # i-ketut-diarmita & nbsp
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