Merdeka.com – PT Pertamina's General Manager, Chief Executive Officer Nicke Widyawati, explains that unsubsidized increases in fuel prices, such as Pertamax, are due to high oil prices on the world market. To anticipate, he prepares BBM type Premium which is much cheaper
According to Nicke, he met the Premium fuel stock in Java and Bali before the Pertamax price increase was made
"Premium we fill first in Java-Bali before us Increase the price of pertamax, thus avoiding the shortage We adapt to the quota given by HBPH Migas Whenever we monitor, we guarantee that it will not There is no shortage, "he said at the ECGL Leadership Forum at the Fairmont Hotel, Jakarta Wednesday (4/7)
Pertamax Student Award currently at Rp 600 per liter, rising from Rp 8,900 to Rp9,5. The increase was followed by the Pertamax Turbo price which rose by Rp 10,700 per liter and Pertamina Dex Rp 10,500 per liter.
According to Nicke, the high price of Pertamax is not really a problem, because the segment of the buyer is more "If we look at donations to the market or the market segment, it's different (the buyers). This is the choice for the client, so we give the option for the community, "he concluded.
Reporter: Maulandy Rizky Bayu Kencana
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