Pertamina and Chevron Compete get the right to manage the Rokan block

[ad_1], Jakarta – PT Pertamina (Persero) and Chevron Pacific Indonesia will fight to manage Rokan Block, Riau. Currently, the block is managed by Chevron, but the contract term will end in 2021.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) Arcandra Tahar said that he was evaluating the period contract of oil and gas blocks that will expire. One of them is the Rokan Block.

"We completed the block terminations for 2018 there are 8 blocks, 2019 completed, 2020 just completed.This is still in the completion stage of 2021, including Rokan, late July maximum early August. "According to him, Pertamina submitted its final proposal to manage the block at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM)," he said Thursday at the hotel Grand Sahid Jaya of Jakarta (26/7/2018). "Pertamina is complete, last night, complete Firm work commitment, signing bonus all this (investment plan of Pertamina?) Well all the basic elements, well, "he said, will see the incoming proposal, either from Pertamina or Chevron.Arcandra said many things that would be considered by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in the future. Evaluation of the two propositions

"We turn to Rokan who compares [19] 459008] a lot. How much commercially development work commitment signing bonus which for now, the method now in the future, it can produce how much, then MPV-kan, from there calculated how the bonus signaturenya, "he said.

Arcandra reveals, the badessment of each proposal is currently underway.It aims at the beginning of next month that the evaluation is completed. [19659002] "We are still trying to finish it.Today until next week we marathon for evaluation.We are trying the best.This goal from the beginning of August is over.SDM C & D Is information for all parties to respect Wait patiently, "he said.

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