SURYA.co.id | SURABAYA – Be beautiful and have beautiful skin that all women desire. However, the presence of tattoos and acne scars will certainly interfere with the appearance and aesthetics. This is the concern of Profira Aesthetic Clinic with a new Pico Smart Laser treatment. This treatment is able to remove any tattoo color and acne scar.
Clinic Aesthetic Clinical Clinic, Dr. Lince Haryanti says, this treatment uses the latest laser technology and the first time in Indonesia.
The latest laser technology is in the presence of three laser processing frequencies at the same time, namely 532 nm, 1064 nm, and also 785 nm.
"The treatment of the smart pico laser is also very fast, the size of pico second, so do not damage the surrounding skin tissue," he said 17/7/2018)
With a very fast shot, not only is the network not damaged, but it also minimizes the heat on the dilate part. What is also very important is the effectiveness of the shutdown process, where no side effects are perceived by consumers.
"It's also effective because it uses three different laser wavelengths, so the skin problem can be solved. (19659002) Using lasers with three different wavelengths, making pico smart very effective in overcoming all kinds of tattoos.
Meanwhile, with existing laser treatments, the tattoos that can be removed are black and blue. While the smart pico, all in color tattoo, from black to green and yellow, it can be completely removed
"While the tattoo ink is oozing at different depths. Like a red tattoo on the tattoo. epidermis, and other colors in the dermis.This is eliminated with a 785 nm wavelength laser, "he said.
Not only tattoos alone, smart pico is also very effective at removing acne scars, spots, wrinkles, up to the birthmark. All of these skin problems can be solved with 4-8 treatments with a grace period of one month to a year. Laser pico treatment can also be done at all ages, from teenagers to the elderly (seniors). "For tattoos, this will be lost depending on the extent of the tattoo," he said.
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