Pipeline fleeing CNOOC, PGN ready to provide PLTGU Cilegon – VIVA


VIVA – PT Perusahaan Gaz Negara Tbk (PGN) is ready to secure the gas supply of the Cilegon gas and steam plant (PLTGU) belonging to PT PLN which was disturbed following the leak of the pipeline of the contractor (K3S). The pipeline is owned by China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC).

It is estimated that the pipeline leak reduces the necessary gas supply of PLTGU Cilegon by 50 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) or the equivalent of 30 BBTUDs. energy supply to the system of Bali Java Power Plant of 150 kVa with a need for 120 BBTUD gas supply. Under this contract, K3S supplies gas to PLTGU Cilegon for 60-90 BBTUD. "While PGN has the capacity to provide up to 60 BBTUDs to Cilegon PLTGU, so we are ready to replace gas leaks, if necessary to maintain power supply for the public." (19659004), "said Rachmat Hutama, general secretary of PGN, quoting his official statement of Tuesday, July 10, 2018.

Rachmat said that PGN is currently awaiting a confirmation from PLN regarding additional supply Wisnu Prabawa Taher stated that the leak occurred on a 20-inch submarine pipeline (1965).

Wisnu Prabawa Taher, head of the program division of the special unit for upstream oil and gas activities ( SKK Migas) K3S in the waters of Bojonegara, Serang, Banten The cause of the flight to date is still being studied by a joint team of SKK Migas.

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