PKPU Meikarta's application was formally revoked for no reason


ILLUSTRATION. Development of the Meikarta Apartment

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA . Request for Transfer of Debt Payment Obligation (PKPU) to PT Mahkota Sentosa Utama, the developer of Meikarta's official megaproject is revoked. The panel of Central Jakarta Commercial Court judges on Tuesday (July 17th) granted an application for revocation of the case by two vendors from Meikarta, PT Relys Trans Logistics and PT Imperia Cipta Kreasi.

"Received a letter requesting the revocation of PKPU's application, and ordered the Central Jakarta Commercial Court to strike the case off the case list," said President Agustinus Setya Wahyu Halim while reading the verdict.

While the lawyer of Relys and Imperia, Ibn Setyo Hastomo of the law firm Tommy Sihotang & Partners, said that in his letter to the judges, the applicants did not give any reason revocation. "Yes, we do not need to give an excuse, we, as lawyers, are doing the wishes of our customers, they want to revoke," he told KONTAN after the announcement. ; hearing.

Meikarta lawyer Sarmauli Simangunsong of Nondyo & Asociates jutsru's attorney's office was initially shocked by the dismissal. He did not know what the reason for the dismissal was. "No reason, because the letter of application of the revocation is given directly to the jury and that there is a request for revocation, we are actually quite shocked," he said at the same occasion.

Sarmauli added, because the revocation proposal was filed by the plaintiff at the inaugural session, then Meikarta because the required party does not need to give its consent. "The revocation was filed during the first hearing, but at that time, the plaintiff did not send a letter, but it is now filed because it has not yet received a response, it does not require the approval of the requested party ".

Just for information, the Relys and Imperia PKPU application registered with the number 91 / Pdt.Sus-PKPU / 2018 / PN Jkt.Pst is the second query. The petition was registered the same day when the first petition numbered 68 / Pdt.Sus-PKPU / 2018 / PN Jkt.Pst was rejected by the panel of judges on July 5, 2018 on the grounds that the debt did not arise. was not simple.

Meanwhile, on two PKPU requests, Relys and Imperia attempted to collect their accounts receivable in Meikarta with a value of Rp 17 billion each. PT Kertas Putih, who has another creditor in the petition, collects 3 billion Rp of debt. Then, the total debt collected in Meikarta in this petition amounts to 37 billion rupiahs.

Reporter: Anggar Septiadi
Publisher: Komarul Hidayat


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