KUALA LUMPUR, KOMPAS.com – The Malaysian anti-corruption agency has frozen a number of bank accounts of political party leader Najib Razak in the investigation section of the 1MDB financial scandal .
A number of local media received Friday (29/6/2018), the United Nations United National Organization (UMNO), a series of 1MDB, which became the focus of investigations on money laundering in six countries.
Mahathir's victory over the opposition also put an end to the 60-year coalition coalition led by UMNO.
Mahathir: Nathan Razak will soon be sued [
The daily quoted sources, reports that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency (MACC) froze two UMNO bank accounts
Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, acting president of UMNO, received a call from MACC on Thursday (28/06/2018), preaching on the account freeze plan.
The US Government says that the money of more than 4.5 billion US dollars or sekit In addition, nearly 700 million US dollars, about 10 billion rupees, went from 1 billion to the account Najib staff.
Najib repeatedly denied wrongdoing and insisted that $ 700 million be spent. Since the election was lost, Najib has been banned from leaving Malaysia and underwent a series of checks by the MACC.
In addition, several private residences and families were the subject of raids as part of the investigation.
See also: Najib Razak claims jewelery values seized by unrealistic police
Earlier this week, the Malaysian police said jewels, handbags, watches and others articles totaling $ 275 million US $ 9 trillion was confiscated from Najib's family and his family.
In addition to these expensive items, the police also found cash of a total value of 29 cents. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns: n = f.fbq = function () {n. callMethod?
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