Pompeo claims North Korea's claim to denuclearization


At least, Pompeo wants to get a list of North Korea's nuclear facilities to check

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PYONGYANG – US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrives in North Korea (Korea North). The arrival of Pompeo in Pyongyang to claim the promise of the highest leader of North Korea, the nuclear disarmament related to Kim Jong-un

Pompeo will confirm the details of the plan of the North Korean government to disarm their weapons nuclear and check. Pompeo will also seek security badurances for the US military lost since the Korean War.

The arrival of Pompeo was hailed by the top North Korean official Kim Yong Chol. Pompeo will be in Pyongyang until Saturday (7/7) local time. This will be the first time that Pump will spend the night in Pyongyang

"The president told me that he thought Kim's leader was seeing a different and better future for the North Korean population, we hope this will be true. " While in the North, Pompeo wanted at least to check the list of nuclear facilities on the basis of US intelligence. The White House said the denuclearization and repatriation of the US military would show the seriousness of the Kim-related summit in Singapore

"If they are serious, then we can talk more about the denuclearization provisions," he said. Pompeo. refused the arrival of Pompeo showing a softer American approach. US State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert says the country's policy towards North Korea will not change.

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