Popular News: Dudes & Heroes, Duterte Apologize to God


KOMPAS.com – The face of several divers from various countries who badisted the 13-person rescue mission from Tham Luang Cave, Thailand, was revealed

Later, after controversial statements about God, the Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte sorry

These two stories fall in a line of popular news about the development of the world.

Here is a summary of four popular international channel news throughout Wednesday (11/7/2018) through Thursday (12/7/2018) morning.

1. The Diversity of Heroes Who Save the Goa Youth Teams

As diverse as divers, the rescue operation of 12 teenagers and their coaches in the cave of Tham Luang in Thailand is called a global scale even though the Thai navy is also contributing to it. 19659002] The identity of the people involved has not been widely dispersed, since few of them speak

Some of them come from England, from Belgium. , from Denmark, etc.

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2. Kim Jong Un chooses to visit the potato fields to meet the US Secretary of State

North Korean chef Kim Jong Un prefers to visit the potato fields rather than welcome the visit of US Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo to Pyongyang. Undated photos published by KCNA, seen Kim visiting a potato field located in Junghung, Samjiyon, near the Chinese border.

In the photo, Kim bows and checks the planted potatoes. To the peasants, he suggested to them to plant higher varieties

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3. The world celebrates the success of the Goa rescue mission Thailand

Initially, many thought that rescuing 12 teenagers and their football coach from the cave was an "impossible mission"

. different parts to unite remove them.

Taken in Goa Tham Luang since June 23, 2018, the Thais now celebrate the success of the rescue mission.

Their story attracts the attention of many world-renowned personalities, ranging from FIFA boss Gianni Infantino to US President Donald Trump.

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4. Duterte apologize to God

After spreading controversial statements about God, the Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has expressed his apologies

Sorry to say so when he meets Eddie Villaneuva, founder of the Gospel Depth Center (JILCW). Villanuva was one of the leaders of religious groups who criticized Duterte's commentary on God.

However, Duterte reminded religious not to use the name of God to attack the government.

More news click on the link here. 19659026]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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