Popular News: Out-of-the-law prisons by helicopter, to the squadron passengers


KOMPAS.com A well known criminal in France managed to escape from the Parisian suburb of Reau to Reau by helicopter

Later, easyJet airlines pbadengers were shocked at see a male pbadenger gore a crew

These two stories have come in the lineage of popular international news channels throughout Monday (2/7/2018) until Tuesday (3/7). 2018) morning.

Here is a summary of four news about world development that can fill your morning:

1. Famous criminals in France came out of the helicopter supported

The Hollywood action film Redoine Faid (46) escaped from prison with the help of two men using smoke bombs and grinders to enter the visiting room.

Criminals fled quickly with a 10 minute commando escape operation and set off on a hijacked helicopter

While unarmed guards tried to escape safely and set off an alarm .

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2. The air hostess "Horn", easyJet Flight Retarded Overnight

L & Gore incident surprised a cabin crew surprised by a plane, which had to take off from Charles de Gaulle airport Friday (29/06/2018)

In the video tape, a staff member from security grabbed his neck and slammed man who was unleashed on the ground

The man reportedly attacked a crew member after calling the police to shoot down a group of badly driven pbadengers .

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3. Malaysia investigates an 11-year-old girl's marriage with a 41-year-old man

Malaysian authorities investigate the marriage of an 11-year-old girl with a man of 41 years

Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Illegal because it is not approved by Sharia courts

Authorities are studying the possibility that parents approve marriage because of poverty.

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4. The Lost Youth Team in Goa Thailand Found Congratulations

A group of 39 Children who are members of a football team and a coach that they lost in a cave in northern Thailand can finally be found in a safe state after searching for nine days.

The 12 children members of the football team and their coach of 25 years were congratulated.

Joint rescue teams from China and Australia contributed to the search effort of more than 1,000 officers. including the US Army and experts from the caves of England.

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