Pregnant goat in India died after being raped 8 men

[ad_1] – A pregnant goat in India died after being raped by eight men. The owner of the goat, Aslup Khan, reported the case to the police.

In his report, Aslup accused the authors of being citizens named Savakar, Haroon and Jaffar. While five other actors have not been identified. Aslup also mentioned this immoral incident that occurred on July 25th.

The Times of India writes that the Haryana Mewat Police Department has investigated the case. The police trapped them with Chapter 377 for unnatural attacks, then with the crimes of Section 429 by damaging or killing the cattle. (19659003) "We were looking for the perpetrators, the goat died of wounds in some parts of his body," said Inspector Vipin Kumar.

The police also sent samples of goat body ] unhappy was for autopsy. They admitted to having seriously handled the case of this goat rape. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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