Pregnant women have discovered hepatitis B, so how's the baby?

[ad_1] – An effort by the Ministry of Health to prevent the transmission of hepatitis B is to screen pregnant women.

The reason, there are two types of transmission of hepatitis B: horizontally by blood donors, who carries viral hepatitis, or intercourse; and vertically from mother to child.

Vertical transmission occurs in 80% of cases, thus preventing vertical transmission to prevent the majority of hepatitis transmission.

However, what happens if pregnant women are positive for hepatitis B? Is there any hope for his baby to be released from this deadly disease?

See also: Knowing Hepatitis C, Mute Infections Haunting Indonesia

Dr. Wiendra Waworuntu, MKes, Director of Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Direct – Ministry of Health , said in a talk show "The role of diagnostic test in the fight against hepatitis" by Royal Philips in Jakarta, Thursday (26/7/2018), when the baby caught the baby, the baby is intervened while his mother was being treated.

prevent babies from being infected with hepatitis B.

The trick is to administer vaccines against hepatitis B and immunoglobulin injections in the 12 hours after the birth of the baby. Because, the virus in the heart of liver cells within 12 hours; If it is entered, the vaccine will fail

However, this intervention only guarantees a 95% protection.

Dr. Irsan Hasan, SpPD-KGEH, President of the Indonesian Heart Research Association, recommended checking the number of viruses. mother when the third trimester. If he is high, he will be given a medicine to reduce the virus.

If these three suggestions are made, the infant will be fully protected against hepatitis B even if he was born to the mother with the disease

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