Prevent Malaria in Papua, Dinkes Cooperate with Private Practice Physicians


Anopheles mosquito (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Jayapura, BUMIPAPUA.COM – The Papua Health Unit Associates with Private Practice Physicians to Prevent the Transmission of Malaria . Currently, practicing doctors are scattered in the districts / cities of Papua, in great demand by the citizens. The hope, the practice of doctors can provide education related to malaria to patients.

"Not only in Puskesmas, people in Papua today also have a lot of medical treatment for doctors, because of their restlessness and other things.Those patients we want to target in prevention of malaria, "said the head of the Technical Unit to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Papua Papua Health Office, dr. Beeri Wopari, Monday (16/7).

Cooperation with private sector doctors, registered malaria patients can receive simultaneous treatment and can reduce malaria transmission rates.

Papua Health Service data indicate that there are five areas with high malaria endemic with an Annuak Parasitic Insidence (IPA) of about 67 percent in the districts of Papua. Keerom, Jayapura, Timika, Sarmi and Boven Digul.

Sedagkan for districts with low malaria transmission rate is Lanny Jaya District, Jayawijaya District and Biak Numfor District.

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