Prices for chicken eggs will not drop this week


The operation of the market is considered inefficient

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The price of chicken eggs is not expected to reach normal prices this week. The president of the Association of Indonesian Traders Abdullah Mansuri said that the price of chicken eggs in the stable is still 21,000 rupiah per kilo, which means that traders sell at a minimum price of 26,000 rupees the kilo.

"There is no picture of what goes down, it seems that this week the weight for (the price of chicken eggs) is decreasing, we do not know next week yes" , he said when contacted fr friday (20/7).

According to him, the rate of rise in chicken egg prices at that time, compared to several months earlier, is much higher. The price of chicken eggs is now sold 28,000 rupees to 29,000 rupees per kilogram

On the Info Info page, the average price of chicken eggs in Jakarta on Friday (20/7) was 28,046 rupees the kilo. Noted, the highest price for chicken eggs in Senen Market which reached 30,000 Rp per kg. On the basis of today's observation, some markets have dropped the price of chicken eggs such as Pulo Gadung Market and Glodok Market, which dropped to 27,000 Rp against 28,000 Rp previously . Kg. Thus, with the price of chicken eggs in the market Pal Meriam drop from Rp 2,000 per kg of Rp 28,000 per kg to Rp 26,000 per kg.

Of course, the stable high price this time is the longest. Post-Lebaran, the price of the chicken and eggs often increases in price as in previous years, but different for this year

"It is quite long, post-Lebaran until now still high," at- he says,

normal price of eggs at Rp 19 thousand at Rp 22 thousand per kg. Post-Lebaran this year, the price of chicken eggs was over 22,000 Rp per kg but not as high this week.

"Recently, the price continues to increase by Rp 25 thousand, Rp 26 thousand to the number Rp 29 thousand,"

In response to price conditions that never go down, the Ministry of Finance, Agriculture operates in the market (PO) Total of 100 tons of digelontorkan to reduce prices on the market Hen eggs are sold directly to consumers at 19,500 rupees per kilo

Unfortunately, the PO held on Thursday ( 19 July) at 50 points has not yet been effective.According to Abdullah, the PO may actually affect the price as long as it is directly sold to traders.So, Kementan shipped the chicken eggs to the trader and was then sold to the consumer

because the consumer reference, the inquiry and the media are the price at the level of the trader. "It will be effective in the price, so if his PO sells himself, the market is not yet clear, "he said.

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