Prices of chicken and egg meat soar, what is the cause?

[ad_1] – For the medium to low society, chicken and eggs are the main choice for daily consumption. In addition to its animal protein content, the price is also very affordable. However, in recent times, the price of these two foods has exploded.

Until the last week of July, prices of chickens and eggs went up. Per kilogram (kg) is still far above the market or normal price, which is Rp 36.975 per kilogram (kg). And eggs in the range of Rp 25,000 per kilogram

Prices of chicken and chicken egg increase 2018

Chicken Traders at Pasar Mencos Setiabudi, Jakarta South , Pure (38), chicken membanderol sold in the range of Rp 45 thousand-Rp 48 thousand per kg. "Down, down two days, after this rise again, just three days ago, now the price of chicken Rp 48 thousand," Pure told on Monday (30/7/2018).

Still in the Mencos market, another trader, Dimas (28), also sells chicken prices above the normal price. Even so, he is very happy because the price of the chicken has been spelled compared to the last Lebaran

"If I sell it 35 000 Rp to 40 000 Rp per kg.Although still expensive, but it's a little down .. Compared Lebaran, mah far, "he said.

Increase not only on chicken meat, the price of eggs participate terkerek. Yuli (27), a shopkeeper in Pasar Mencos, now sells eggs at 25,000 rupees per kilogram. This price is still considered high despite a decrease compared to the previous week. Another agent, Nur (30), set the price of eggs at 26 thousand rupees a kilo

"It has been 30 thousand rupees since Idul Fitri, it is now down, but it remains high, normally 22 thousand rupees per kg, "says Yuli.

This price spike suddenly reaps the answer. The Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) estimates that the government has failed to control the price of eggs and chickens that continue to rise above the normal price.

YLKI's secretary, Agus Suyatno, worries about the high price of eggs and chicken. "This price increase is a failure of the government in controlling the availability of food.The community is worried because eggs and chicken meat have been a source of nutrition for the middle-low society," he said. -he declares. discuss with

YLKI suggests that the government monitor the accessibility of both products in the community. This case should also be immediately used as a government badessment. "This egg and chicken is not only for consumption but also for the basic ingredients of other processed products, this price increase will automatically affect the products." (19659005) "

In addition, he added, soaring prices for eggs and chicken also contributed to the 0.25% inflation rate of the last country. This number exceeds the normal threshold because the price rise occurs outside of certain events such as festivities.

Call the Minister of Agriculture

Commission IV of the House of Representatives intends to convene the Minister of Agriculture seeking clarification on the fluctuating egg prices

Commission member IV Zainut Tauhid Saadi said that during this period, the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) often presents data that are not concrete in the field. One of them is related to eggs and chicken meat whose price is currently increasing on the market.

"Kementan often says that the goods are there and enough, but the price is high in the community, a concrete explanation of Kementan's on this issue.But the most important thing to do now is that Kementan immediately seeks a solution to This problem

"If they (Kementan) are not ready, imports are the last option, but if they are to be imported, it will hurt farmers. must be responsible, provide actual data to know whether the goods (eggs and chicken meat) are present or not, "he explained.

Zainut also recalled that Satgas Food's task must work effectively to to ensure the reality of the conditions on the ground

"The results of the Satgas discoveries should also be made public so that the public also knows where the blockage is," he said.

] The cause of Price Spikes

Mojokerto Food Task Force monitors the prices of chicken meat and eggs 2018

The chicken and egg price culture continues to be sought after. The Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Amran Sulaiman notes that the increase in prices of eggs in traditional markets is too long

The long supply chain makes the difference (disparity) in prices from farmers' eggs to market traders to reach 60%. 19659005] He also asked the entrepreneurs and distributors involved in the egg supply chain not to take excessive profits.

"The disparity in the price of chicken eggs 60 percent.Inputs do not benefit much," he said. the government continues to shorten the supply chain so that price disparities between producers and traders can be eliminated.

He rejected the reason for the rise in egg prices due to the weakness of production. This is because the impossible production weakens if both can still be traded abroad

"How less production if we export already, it's on the D & D chain. We agreed yesterday the price of the egg Rp 18 thousand (per kg) (19659005) Meanwhile, according to the general chairman of the National Association of Chicken Farmers (GOPAN), Heri Dermawan , the supply breakdown after the long feast of Lebaran becomes the main factor the high price of chicken

"Lebaran on June 15. H-7 to H + 7 chicken seed plant is not open, some open and it helps 50% of the supply. Now, June 22, there will be more chicken. normal (production-red) for chickens, "said Heri at

He added that chicken production has also triggered soaring chicken prices.The production of chickens is declining because the chicken seed is not good and also the quality of chickens

"If we kept 1000 chickens, we can harvest up to 950 chickens.Now only 800. The seeds are ugly and the quality of production is According to Heri, the quality of food is probably due to the fact that raw materials are still imported to make the price higher.Higher raw materials mean that economic players rack their brains against the costs of food. High production

.Rupiah exchange rate against the US dollar in the range of 14,000.

Heri pointed out, the price of chicken feed is now about 6.800-7.400. Then the price of the day chick (doc) price of Rp 5,000 to Rp 7500.

high. The US dollar has also increased. While the food factory can not arbitrarily increase the selling price so that the brain plays with reduced quality. Farmers can not make big profits either. Suppose the production cost of 22 thousand not necessarily, we sell 24 thousand. The selling price of chicken is determined by the market mechanism, said Heri.

General Secretary Gopan Sugeng Wahyudi added that the high price of chicken due to the interest of farmers is reduced because of the high cost of production. "The cost of production facilities, animal feed and DOC increased plus the decline in production, which affects the price, he said.

Sugeng rate, prohibition of use of AGP antibiotic animal feed from 1 January 2018 chicken 30 days old with a weight of 1.5-1-6 kg.No AGP so back from two days to 32 days to get the weight of 1.5-1 , 6 kg So the production is a little down, said Sugeng.

The annual cycle

The professor of the Agricultural University of Bogor (Dwi Andreas Santosa) estimates that price increases for chickens and eggs are an annual cycle.Therefore, this price increase should not necessarily

It revealed, in the last 5 years, in January that the price of chickens and eggs has always increased, then will decrease in March-April Prices will rise again in June-July as today and then from August. Kala The price of meat (chicken) is high in January. Meat and eggs are almost the same graph. Then it will go down in March, in April the lowest. May go back up to June-July. The month of August will fall to the lowest in September. After that, November-December, it goes back up, "he said speaking with in Jakarta, Monday (30/7/2018).

Andreas said that this year, several factors explain the rise worse prices than previous years, such as the weakening of the rupiah, the price of food and the policy of prohibiting the use of AGP, but it is considered a small upward contribution prices

"Some say because of the weakening of the rupiah, government. But this is due only to annual fluctuations. Other badysts say because of antibiotics, but it's a small effect. According to Andreas, the most influential on the price is actually the domestic tenak mode, and this pattern keeps repeating itself from year to year, so the price fluctuations of the chicken and the egg go surely happen.

"Because the model of culture, like rice, rice prices can increase because of famine.The chicken culture is the same.We import the GPS (large parent stock) at a certain time, when the population of DOC (chicken of a day) has decreased, surely the price increases.In addition, we Lebaran, much in the diaper that the chicken is old cut, so that the production of eggs has Also declined so that the price went up. "Andreas went on to say that the company and the government did not need to panic. </ p> <p> The price hike that has occurred lately has also been considered at a reasonable level.

"No need to worry, the government has panicked excessive intervention, should not need to panic.If the peak of chicken meat in January Rp 34 000 per kg." Eggs reach a peak in January above Rp 25 thousand, after which they decline. July 24,000 Rp. Later, August-Septemer. We are talking about the national average, do not just look at prices in Jakarta alone. "

Efforts to Lower Prices

Minister of Agriculture Amran confessed to reducing the price of chicken and eggs by maintaining the supply chain, and eggs
" If the price increases a little, our exports will decrease in number. "

As a permanent solution, Amran suggested that the supply chain of eggs, chickens and all food products could be controlled by forming a Food Working Group (Satgas) of food

"Indeed we must repair the supply chain. All the food, not just that. We ask that no one play this food. So we are forming a working group on food. Because we know, the game in the food is extraordinary, "he said.19659005 Another effort, the operation of the cheap chicken egg market, one of which is in the Indonesian Farmers Center (TICI) .In this market operation, the Ministry of Agriculture Amran revealed that this market operation is one of the government's means of stabilizing the price of chicken eggs at the level of consumers, which has now reached 30 000 Rp per kg.

100 tons of eggs will be distributed in 43 markets and 50 other points such as Kelurahan, the sub-district and housing in the Jabodetabek region, and this market operation also takes place in a certain number of Indonesian cities

.It is at 50 points, 43 markets.There are also in West Java, Central Java, East Java and big cities, "he said.

Amran stated that this market transaction will continue until the price of chicken eggs becomes normal at about Rp 22,000 per kg. fell, and then the market operation will be stopped to protect the breeder.

Availability of food

The price of chickens and chickens increases 2018

While the researcher of the Indonesian Political Studies Center (CIPS) of Novita Karina Saputri badesses the availability of corn for the food of chickens is essential to maintain price stability. Feeding chickens plays an important role in the growth of chickens

Currently, the price of chicken feed has risen an average of 250 rupiahs per kilogram. This is due to corn supply which inevitably lowers production costs.

More than 45 percent of chicken feed comes from corn, so the shortage of corn will definitely affect the production of national foods. Not to mention the amount of corn that production has to scramble with consumer demand for non-animal foods

If corn remains a staple, it is necessary to increase the amount of corn that is needed. supply or demand of maize. Until now, farmers grow maize alternately with other types of agricultural produce so that maize production is unstable throughout the year

Plus Egg Prices is high, retailers are struggling to secure fixed capital. In addition, the government must also be wary of the distribution chain of the egg trade. Because this does not close the possibility to anyone in the distribution chain to deliberately increase the price of eggs, says Novani quoted in his written statement, Tuesday 24/7/2018.

The number of national maize can not satisfy national maize consumption. At the same time, the government has limited the import of corn without considering an adequate supply.

The high price of this egg affects not only the end consumer, but also the producers of raw egg products such as bread producers and other processed food producers. In addition, chicken eggs are believed to be one of the products that contribute the most to inflation in June.

Prediction of Price Decline

rising prices of chicken and chicken eggs 2018

The Minister of Agriculture estimates that the high price of chicken is only temporary. It is estimated that the price of chicken can return to normal in August 2018.

Director of seed and Kementan production, said Sugiyono, the breeder level chicken prices at Rp 21,000. However, the recognized price of chicken to the consumer remains high. Sugiyono said, the high price of chicken due to the supply breakdown during the long Lebaran holiday.

"The breeders want to stay but the officers ask for a holiday because Ramadan and Lebaran are concentrated So, before and after Lebaran not chic.weight greater than 2 kilograms, except in parts of Jakarta which received 0.8- 1,3 and 1,4, said Sugiyono when contacted by on Monday (30/7/2018).

He added that Indonesia also depends on the importation of grandparents ( GPS) or parent day chicks (DOC). According to Sugiyono based on the needs of GPS audit about 799.158.000 for the production of DOC.In addition, according to Sugiyono, last year entered February, March, and April chicken prices go down.

"This year is a bit strange. Do not think if the results are good (red-chicken sales price). In Central Java, East Java, and Makbadar it was not expensive. This good selling price thankfully the breeders. The only kayak egg has grown to 24 thousand only two days. It is indeed a happy farmer but a suffering consumer. But not forever. Give the farmer a good chance. The price is climbing, said Sugiyono.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, chicken meat requirements from January to June 2018 amounted to 1 543 011 tonnes. DOC FS production from January to June 2018 up to 1.52 billion head or equivalent meat 1,651,511 tons.

There is a surplus of chicken meat production from January to June 2018 of 108,500 tons. The prognosis for chicken meat needs in 2018 after considering that there are up to 3,051,276 tons of Asian Games. The forecast for the production of chicken meat in 2018 is 3.28 billion or 3,560,234 tonnes of meat.

On the basis of the prognosis, there would be a surplus of 508 958 tonnes of chicken meat in 2018 or a monthly surplus of chicken meat. By 2018, there are no GPS breaks and the number of GPS imports is also decreasing. GPS imports in 2018 are estimated at 707,000. DOC DOC DOCTRINGS The year 2018 concerns the production of FS DOCs by the end of 2019. The bulk of the production is DOC FS by 2020, "said Sugiyono. [19659005] He added that based on field visits in Central Java the increase in chicken meat or lack of supply is available because most farmers grow in cages a week after Lebaran, it is after July 22, 2018. According to him, the farmers will begin to harvest after July 25, 2018 and will culminate after July 30, 2018.

In addition, currently, many chickens available in cages simply can not harvest.This is because age and weight have not reached the target.

From the visit to the layer hen in Blitar, he experienced an increase in egg prices among pastoralists who had reached t 24 000 Rp but that lasted only two days. Then fell back below Rp 22,000.

This is similar to the prediction of President of the National Association of Chicken Farmers (GOPAN), Heri Dermawan. He predicted that chicken production would return to normal and that the price of chicken could recover early in August 2018.

Supervised by KPPU and Food Satgas


Chicken meat and chicken eggs prices rise 2018

The rise in chicken and egg prices has become the concern of the Commission for Competition Control of Enterprises (KPPU). KPPU President Kurnia Toha said his party was deepening the cause of soaring prices for both products.

"In the near future, KPPU may conclude that there is a violation of the Competition Code." Taufik Ariyanto, head of the KPPU Taufik Ariyanto's Office of Public Relations and Cooperation, added that KPPU continued to collect data on price increases for chickens and eggs, before considering the cartel's practices, confessed that the process is a preliminary study, it can not explain more explicitly in terms of prices of chickens and eggs that have occurred recently.

"This is still the preliminary study, so the KPPU can not comment." 19659005] Taufik revealed that KPPU has conducted a study on the l & # 39; rising prices of eggs and pink chickens on the market. "If the study of ruti, part of the market monitoring only," he said.

Previously, the president of the national police of the Inspector General of Police Setyo Wasisto also admitted whether his side always conducts an investigation so that they can not explain his findings to the public. The working group acknowledged Setyo, did not even examine any suspected party to be part of this problem

"Nobody asked us for information because it is still in the investigation, still collecting of data, "said Setyo. One can be sure that the results will be submitted to the public because the Food Satgas team has not set any goals before they can conclude the findings.

This situation certainly makes the middle people to those who are uncomfortable. Hopefully, the government will immediately stabilize the price of these two foods. So that people do not worry too much.

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