Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad wants Jho Low to be arrested immediately


Low Taek Jho

KUALA LUMPUR – Malaysian Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad, stressed that he was eager to stop the Low Taek Jho or Jho Low business man so that he was immediately judged for corruption cases in the state enterprise 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

"We really want to stop Jho Low and bring him to justice, but he does not see his nose anymore, we really do not know where he is, not only the United States, we really want him because we have a number of people. Whatever the first who catches Jho Low because we will give each other access, "Mahathir said in a number of media outlets in Kuala Lumpur, Sunday (4/11).

According to Mahathir, Jho Low now hides like a mouse to avoid prosecution. Mahathir claimed to know Low's fugitive as a person who enjoys going around the world in a luxurious style, using a jet or while sailing on a luxury yacht.

Mahathir said that after the US Justice Department accused Jho Low and two former Goldman Sachs bankers of conspiring to divert billions of dollars from 1MDB funds. The two former Goldman Sachs bankers were Roger Ng, 51, and Tim Leissner, 48.

The US Department of Justice estimates that at least $ 4.5 billion has been diverted from 1MBD. The US Department of Justice said Roger Ng was arrested in Malaysia on Thursday (1/11) local time. While Leissner pleaded guilty to the charges, he agreed to pay a fine of $ 43.7 million.

Money laundering According to the US Department of Justice statement, Low and Roger Ng were charged with conspiring to take billions of dollars in misappropriated 1MDB dollars and conspiracy to rape the Foreign Corruption Act (FCPA) by bribing a number of Malaysian officials and Abu Dhabi.

The two men also reportedly conspired to commit money laundering proceeds of crime obtained through the US financial system by buying a number of luxury buildings and works of art at a New York auction house. , and financing the shooting of star actor Leonardo DiCaprio, Wolf of Wall Street.

The film is known to have been produced by a Red Granite production company co-founded by Riza Aziz, son-in-law of former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak. Roger Ng was also charged with conspiracy to violate the FCPA by excising Goldman Sachs' internal control. He was asked to sign a debt of more than 6 billion US dollars released by 1MDB, on three offers between 2012 and 2013.

In the indictment, it was stated that such a sum of money was to benefit the Malaysian population, but it turned out that more than 2.7 billion US dollars were channeled through facilitation payments and bribes.

Ant / AFP / SB / AR-2

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