Princess Denada Idap Leukemia, Recognize Symptoms That Generally Ignored


TRIBUNJABAR.ID – Illness suffered by Denada Tambunan's son apparently not a random illness

Denada revealed on a television show that his 5-year-old daughter must have leukemia disease

"He was diagnosed with leukemia," Denada said while shedding tears.

Denada also tells the Princess during treatment in a hospital in Singapore for 1.5 months.

Leukimia a kind of deadly blood cancer that can (19659003) Even if you do not have a line of people with leukemia, it does not mean unhurt of this disease.

Launch of Reader's Digest, leukemia is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow, malignant tumors that causes abnormal production of certain blood cells.

When unhealthy blood cells pbad through healthy cells, blood function begins to break

. ari how to disable this disease, but if you have the following 7 symptoms, you should immediately seek medical attention.

Here are the subtle symptoms of leukemia that are usually ignored, according to Readre's Digest:

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