Provide only cakes and soft drinks, two school children are sick, father has also entered prison


TRIBUNJABAR.ID, LIMOGES – In France, a father of two young children was sentenced to prison for being accused of violence against his children by not providing them with sufficient food.

Quoted by the Jabar court of, who reported to AFP, that the unidentified man had been sentenced to three months in prison by a court in Limoges, in central France on Wednesday (10/24/2018).

The man was considered to have raped his two sons aged three and four by only giving cakes and soft drinks to eat and drink every day.

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"We know that the father is unable to read, write or count, he is not aware of the seriousness of the situation and has spent everything to buy alcoholic beverages," said Carole Papon, representative of the French badociation Victim 87.

Papon said, the family had almost no property.

Every time you receive a social badistance fund, it will run out in a few days, leaving your two children with nothing to eat.

"The family has nothing to eat, they only have Coca-Cola to drink," he added.

By consuming only soft drinks, a four-year-old child was injured in the teeth. Seven teeth had to be removed because they had broken down.

While the second child who was only three years old was not able to speak.

Not explained where were the mothers of the two children.

The two children under five are now taken to a health facility where they will be introduced to healthy foods such as meat and vegetables.

Deputy Attorney General Bruno Robinet said that there were almost no valuables in the family home.

"There is nothing in their apartment, there is no refrigerator, children sleep on thin mattresses without blankets and toys, their father feeds them with biscuits and non-alcoholic beverages. ", did he declare.

This article was posted on under the title "Just give two children Coca-Cola to drink their children, a father imprisoned"

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