Provincial Government for Rapid Prevention of Measles and Rubella


BANDAR LAMPUNG ( – The Government of Lampung Province is reacting quickly to the prevention of measles and rubella two. It is implemented by giving the measles and rubella vaccine in infants aged 9 months and children under 15 years.

Hamartoni Ahadis, secretary of Lampung province explained that the answer was a follow-up of the 2017 presidential instruction No. 1 continued with the Pergub Lampung No. 38 of 2017 on the guidelines for the implementation of the Healthy Living Community Movement and Governor's Decree No. G / 487 / V.02 on the Establishment of Germas Communication Forum

"On the basis of instructions and regulations, Children aged 9 months and children of less than 15 years for the measles and rubella measles vaccine, "said Mr Hamartoni at the workshop on the germany campaign and the introduction of the MR vaccine at the Novotel Bandar Lampung hotel 2018)

According to him, these two diseases affect the complications of the disease that trigger a miscarriage of conbad diseases in newborns hir.To anticipate the community should bring their children to get the vaccine, so as to prevent HIV infection. 9 prevent pain and death due to the measles and rubella virus.

As a form of quick response, the provincial government is inviting people to apply a healthy lifestyle. This is done Forkom Germas is obliged to implement Pergub Germas and to invite the application of Germas.




Ricky Marly



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