Putin the winner in his meeting with Trump


HELSINKI, KOMPAS.com – The meeting of US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland, produces nothing concrete.

In fact, some badysts say that Putin derives many benefits,

One of those who expressed this opinion was Will Pomeranz, a Russian expert and former national security agent.

See also: 4 things that Trump and Putin revealed at the Helsinki Summit

Reported by Radio Free Europe Monday 16/7/2018, alongside Trump, Putin proves that Russia is also a strong country to be reckoned with.

"Putin wants to be recognized as the world's major actor, and Trump" Pomeranz criticized. "

In addition, another victory is Trump's reluctance to confront Mr. Putin throughout the meeting at the Presidential Palace of Helsinki.

One of the most obvious was when the 72-year-old president was bombarded with questions about Russian involvement in the 2016 US presidential election.

In an investigation by special adviser Robert Mueller, 16 Russian intelligence officers deliberately interfered with the US presidential election.

However, at a meeting or joint conference, Pomeranz said that Trump had received the defense of Putin that Russia did not intervene in the presidential election.

"What Trump misunderstood, is that he does not consider Putin as responsible for the issue. Pomeranz reinforced Mike Carpenter, a former White House national security advisor and former foreign policy advisor to Vice President Joe Biden.

Carpenter explains that he consciously believes that Trump deliberately gave the floor to the 65-year-old president. defeat for the US National Security Team and victory for the Kremlin. 9659002] "Trump deliberately calmed Putin, he consciously sells US interests to help Putin." Putin's football diplomacy when he meets Trump

The United States can potentially leaving the world order
Trump's decision not to "Trump underestimated the traditional alliances and denigrated the US position in the world," said Pomeranz

. Trump hinted that he did not believe the US foreign policy values ​​that the United States has embraced since the Second World War.

"Show them openly will embarrbad the United States to the eyes It's interesting to see, but also tragic, "he continues.

As for Carpenter, Trump's intention of establishing good relations with Russia could split the EU and NATO.

It is not a secret that there are countries EU and NATO members who do not agree with the imposed economic sanctions by 2014.

"Other countries may follow Trump's path.The alliance and transatlantic communities are at stake," said Carpenter

Read also: Meet Trump at Helsinki, Putin brings new presidential cars

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