Queen Elizabeth II plans to renovate Buckingham Palace


The decennial renovation plan is estimated at $ 482 million

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON – From the outside, Buckingham Palace looks like a magnificent and magnificent dream home. However, the official residence of the Queen of England is actually not too glamorous and requires a redesign of many aspects.

Queen Elizabeth II has long planned to renovate the palace where he lived. The $ 482 million 10-year renovation plan was announced for the first time in 2016.

Meanwhile, new details have been published in Sovereign Grant's annual report revealing financial habits monarchists. "The program presents a unique opportunity for innovation and investment in one of the most prestigious and iconic historic buildings in the world, preserving it for future generations," he said. he declares.

Once announced in 2016, the following year the British Empire embarked on a four – step remodeling plan. This has gone well even though the power lines, pipes and the heating of the palace have not been updated since the 1950s.

The first step, "advanced work", has moved east wing staff to a "collaborative workspace". This phase also removes all rubber material from India's palace because it is considered very risky to start a fire

Next, the next step is to replace boilers generators, electrical panels and water tanks. The renovation team will ensure that the palace is energy efficient and begins a "phase of operational improvement" which should be completed in 2027.

The purpose of the renovation is to is not only to preserve the palace and serve the interests of the queen. The redevelopment is intended for the public and should attract more visitors to the palace, as quoted from House & Garden

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