Ratified Jewish State Law, RI Condemns Israel – VIVA


VIVA – The Indonesian Government Opposes the Adoption of the Jewish Nation Law Pbaded by the Israeli Parliament on July 19, 2018. The Jewish State Law Is Judged threaten the existence of Palestinians in Israel.

"said Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi at the Pancasila Building, Central Jakarta, Monday, July 23, 2018.

In addition, Foreign Minister Retno stated that the July 19 law had denied the rights of Palestinians in Israel, which the law would further threaten the settlement of the conflict on the basis of the resolution of two states [19459]]

Previously, on July 19, 2018, the Israeli Parliament adopted a state of Jewish law declaring that Israel was the Jewish homeland of the historical Jews, so they have the exclusive right to self-determination.

As a result, the Law revokes the Bahas an Arab from the official list of languages ​​and baderts that Jerusalem is united and united as the capital of Israel.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the promulgation of the new law as a decisive moment in the history of Israel

The Jewish People and Respect for the Rights of All Citizens ", said Netanyahu.

This decision has been criticized even within the very interior of Israel.The Arab population in Israel is about 20% of the total population of nine million people

"This law on nationality is a crime of hatred against Arab citizens, against the Arab minority with a chapter – Racist, especially on Jewish settlements and articles on the decline of Arab status," said Ahmad Tibi, a member of the parliament of the Arab minority.

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