Rating of state-owned enterprises to Garuda employees who canceled a strike action


TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – The Ministry of Public Enterprises (SEE) appreciates the decision of the Garuda Pilote Association (APG) and the Garuda Employees' Union (Sekarga), which cancels the strike and s & ## 39 Engages with management in the development efforts of the company. Gatot Trihargo, deputy of the finance, investigation and council department of the Ministry of Public Enterprise, said that the cancellation of the strike plan had been decided by APG and Sekarga after the 39th agreement of the meeting. "We appreciate the good deeds of all parties who are always committed to the national interest and all parties have agreed to be more synergistic in improving the performance of the company, said Mr. Garcia, APG and Sekarga to the leadership of SEE RI Rini Soemarno. "Gatot said.

Read: The Nining Disappearance Scenario 1 Since the results of the meeting yesterday, the Garuda Indonesia management together Sekarga and APG have agreed to engage together to maintain and improve the performance of the company, to communicate well and to make Sekarga and APG as management partners in the maintenance and improvement of the performance of the Company

"Sekarga and APG have also agreed and remain committed to maintaining the Garuda Indonesia's flight operations, including supporting and succeeding the company's national program such as Haj Flight 2018/1439 H, "said Gatot.

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