Real Estate Indonesia Supports BI Loosen LTV Policy


REI hopes that the ownership of the upper middle segment in 2018 could reach 10%.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Real Estaste Indonesia (REI) supports the measures taken by Bank Indonesia (BI) to soften the loan-to-value ratio (LTV). The policy is supposed to help boost property growth by up to 10 percent this year.

REI Secretary General, Toto Lusida, said that so far, the real estate sector's increase has occurred in homes for low-income communities (MBR). "The doubling of the house of MBR is doubling, but the middle clbad is falling," he told republika Friday (29/6). (KPR) for MBR. So, REI hopes, ownership of the upper middle segment in 2018 could reach 10 percent.

"If growth reaches up to 10% outside the MBR home, then the MBR home can still grow and not affect the economic crisis," Toto said.

Please note that this time, the relaxation rules of the LTV release the banks so that they provide the maximum amount of LTV credits for the first acquisition. In this way, the bank may require a prepayment amount, even the possibility of a down payment of 0%.

"The advance of zero percent is possible, but the down payment will be seen from the solvency of the debtor. If the debtor has a permanent job, the bank dares to like Housing Credit (KPR), but if the debtor's work is not clear, "he explained.

So according to him, it does not matter. He added that banks should also see how far the ability of developers.

Toto mentioned, the growth inhibitor of the property is not only related to LTV. "During the meeting with the Governor of BI, I must say, other factors include the slow pace of taxes and licenses, which is necessary for the government's action," he said. .

He revealed, now REI is negotiating with the government regarding taxes and property licenses. The goal is that people want to buy a property without fear.

"So things beyond this LTV must also be changed, but using the LTV easing is also very useful," he said.

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