Reasons Athletes Refrain From Caffeine During 2018 World Cup Events

[ad_1] – Keeping fit athletes in shape at the big event of the 2018 World Cup is a must for every national team. Therefore, the daily intake should also be a particular concern. So, what is the good contribution and what are the restrictions for the athletes?

After the game, players generally refrain from drinking a lot of caffeine. Because the dangers of caffeine by drinking more than a cup of tea or coffee can disrupt their quality of sleep.

caffeine free 2018

"Coffee, tea and beverages like sports drinks but no more than two cups.How to sleep is very important, and they should watch the time and the quality of their sleep, "said a football club nutritionist in Australia, Simone Austin was quoted on the Huffington Post website on Saturday, June 30, 2018.

Austin, for example, the players, not to mention those participating in the 2018 World Cup must realize that one of the keys to appear to the maximum is adequate sleep, and of course quality. In addition, it should stay hydrated. Therefore, players are generally encouraged to multiply the drinking water, not the others.

Snacks after a match of the players of the national team at the 2018 World Cup

Without caffeine 2018

Not only drinks, to repair damaged muscles during the game, players will receive a rich source of protein after a game. For example, chicken, burrito and fruits rich in protein and fat, such as avocado.

It is important to maintain a good diet by eating healthy foods. For example, foods high in protein and fiber and low in fat. Similarly, do not consume too much caffeine after a game so as not to interfere with sleep time because sleep is very important for muscle recovery.

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