Recognize 4 Symptoms of Natural Children's Problems


PortalMadura.Com – As a parent, he would be very happy to see the growth of a child without any hindrance. Well moms, did you know that plays an important role in the growth of children is a hormone. You must know if a child's growth is not optimal, it is important to do a thorough examination, including hormonal conditions.

A child endocrinologist in Mbadachusetts, Benjamin U revealed that there are some symptoms to watch for parents in children. The following symptoms may be a sign of hormonal disorders in children.

Body odor
The appearance of a body odor in young children is usually caused by the initial activation of the adrenal glands that do not require treatment. Consult a doctor to prevent premature puberty of the baby

High or Short
The growth of a child in his first year is about 12 inches, the next five in the second year , and two to three inches to puberty. Growth growth is normal, but if the baby grows more or more does not increase at all for more than 10 months, then you should consult a doctor to test for growth hormone.

Thin Gold Fat
If your child is lean or a tough eater, give a multivitamin to encourage his appetite. For those who are overweight, talk to your doctor about proper diet and exercise.

Elimination of Easily Thirsty and Frequent Water
When a child experiences the above symptoms, but has a balanced weight, it can also be caused by a urinary tract infection . This will cause them to feel thirsty and urinate frequently.

Similarly, the symptoms of children with hormonal problems. If your child has these symptoms, consult an endocrinologist to get the right solution. I hope useful. (

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