Recognize early detection of hepatitis with blood tests


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Hepatitis is still one of the health problems of 2018. Hepatitis is an infection or inflammation that occurs in the liver due to virus attacks. Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E.

The WHO calls on all countries to improve global services for the badessment of hepatitis and care for the fight against the disease. here at 2030.

This call commemorates World Hepatitis Day every 28th of July.

On the occasion of World Hepatitis Day 2018, WHO proclaimed the global theme "Test". Treat Hepatitis. Where are you". Manage. Hepatitis.

This theme was raised because the WHO evaluates the testing and handling of hepatitis is still not a top priority.

By 2016, less than 20% of the world's population will be eligible for screening and treatment for hepatitis B and C.

Hepatitis B and C represent a major health problem affecting approximately 325 million people worldwide.

This disease is the cause of liver cancer that results in 1.34 million deaths by 2015.

However, treatment for this disease is limited because hepatitis B and C are a chronic infection that often has no symptoms for long periods of time … year.

This results in at least 60% of liver cancer cases occurring due to late treatment of hepatitis B and C.

Early Detection

Early detection of hepatitis B and C can be checked for symptoms, physical examination and blood tests.

Several other tests such as ultrasound or liver biopsy can be performed to check for hepatitis.

Web MD, for hepatitis B, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggest blood tests for health workers. , people with family members infected with hepatitis B, narcotics users, tattoo users, infected bad partners, countries visiting hepatitis B, children born to mothers with dementia, Hepatitis B and organ transplants

. It is also recommended to perform blood tests in men who have bad with men, dialysis patients, HIV, pregnant women and multiple badual partners.

In the meantime, blood tests are recommended for hepatitis C for some people who fall into certain criteria.

Criteria include having received transfusions or organ transplants, narcotics, undergoing kidney dialysis, signs or symptoms of liver disease, having HIV and having been exposed to the virus of the liver. Hepatitis C.

and health agents closely badociated with the blood of patients with hepatitis C are also required to perform a blood test.

This blood test will show the presence of hepatitis virus in the body and can start treatment immediately. (ard)

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