Reduction of the trade deficit, government tightening of imported goods

[ad_1], Jakarta – The government is tightening imports, raising the level of the national component (TKDN) and amortizing the deficit of Indonesia's trade balance.

Deputy Minister of Finance, Mardiasmo admits that there is still leakage of imported goods, produced locally. The imported goods are mainly used in the oil and gas industry

"We see, the customs sunglbades why the goods are still pbading We see end to end his badyzes." Said Mardiasmo, Ministry of Coordination, Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Jakarta, Tuesday (24/7/2018).

Considering that the Government has set the criteria for goods that may be imported, whether the goods are not in (19659002) "Through the eyes of the Ministry of Finance, especially customs so that products can be produced domestically, there are stocks, there are three criteria," said Mardiasmo

To reduce imports of goods, the Ministry of Finance, in collaboration with the teams of the Upstream Oil and Gas Implementation Work Unit (SKK Migas), improves the list of goods and services rtable

periodically every three months, to follow the needs of goods. "That's why we're going to improve it, just like the SKK Migas team," he said.

Mardiasmo stated that the tightening of imports was intended to reduce the trade deficit and increase the use of domestic goods. "If the article is there and the specification is entered, why should we import it? Deficit, like a pipe, there is a limited restriction element that must be negative list that we are synchronizing The data is there but temporary yearly for a year there was a change in the field ", at- he says.

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