Rescue efforts of the rain chasms in the cave of Thailand


The rain swept north of Thailand where 12 boys and their football coaches were trapped in a small underground cave that surrounds the flood.

Development could further complicate the already complicated and dangerous attempts to save them.

Meanwhile, oxygen levels in the cave have decreased, so that their bodies weaken. They also eat less and drink. The children have disappeared since June 23 and were discovered Monday in a cave located 10 kilometers in the north of Thailand.

The water level inside the cave has decreased, but the new rain can once again the area, and also make the current on the narrow channel tighter. It is through the narrow channel that rescuers and children had to swim with a dive to get out of the cave. But many of them can not swim or use a diving device to cross a heavy track for six hours – a difficult condition for even experienced divers. [vm/jm]

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