Resignation of the Minister of the Interior of Germany | Republika online


This resignation is linked to a disagreement with Chancellor Merkel on immigrants.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BERLIN – On Sunday evening (1/7), Horst Seehofer retired from his position as German Minister of the Interior and President of the Christian Union of Bavaria (CSU). The resignation comes amid a dispute with Chancellor Angela Merkel on asylum policy.

Seehofer's actions are suspected of ending a long-standing political alliance between the Christian Democrats of Merdel (CDU). This means that the ruling coalition in Germany loses a majority in Parliament and puts the country even more deeply into a political crisis.

Seehofer published an announcement in Munich at a meeting of the CSU on the acceptance of Merkel's proposal. at an EU summit on Friday, said Deutsche Presse Agentur (DPA). After the publication of the news on the resignation of Seehofer, the CDY immediately reaffirmed its support for Merkel Europe's settlement policy, according to the report of Xinhua

Seehofer and Merkel were involved in a dispute over German sovereignty. Seehofer wants to unilaterally repatriate refugees already registered in other EU Member States. Merkel opposes and calls for a European settlement.

The CSU, which only existed in Bavaria and had to face the October elections, hopes to regain the eroded vote of the anti-migration group Alternative Fuer Deutschland. The CSU also wants to prevent the border country from being more and more affected by migrants.

After marathon talks at the Brussels summit, European leaders finally found a compromise on migrants on Friday morning. According to the conclusion of the summit, EU Member States will create, on a voluntary basis, what is called a "monitoring center" to welcome and displace migrants who disembark on the coasts of the EU. 39, European Union.

Merkel thinks that a European settlement can satisfy the ultimatums of the CSU, which is scheduled for Sunday. Otherwise, Seehofer will prevent Merkel from imposing a tougher sovereign policy

After meeting with Seehofer on Saturday evening, Merkel told the German Broadcasting Agency, ZDF, that the meeting of the two officials was fine. He hopes to further cooperate with his political allies, CSU.

Seehofer has a different opinion. According to das Bild Seehofer described Saturday's meeting as "an ineffective conversation"

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